Myself and Jo Howarth are both co-authors of the #1 Amazon bestselling book launched this week called My 2020. Sharing our stories of strength and resilience in the pandemic. You can find it here.

Jo Howarth is an advanced hypnotherapist, mindfulness practitioner and she runs The Happiness Club. Jo’s mission is to spread happiness. As far and wide as humanly possible. Jo talks about her own reboot after losing her father at the age of 25, how therapy was a total revelation and set her on her path to the work she now does. She shares how when she was training as a hypnotherapist she discovered mindfulness and how it blew her mind.

She then shares her ‘2020’ reboot – her chapter of the book, she recalls the struggles she faced when Coronavirus almost crushed her 90% face to face business, the help she got from where she never expected, rebuilding her business and the positive perspectives that came as a result of focusing on what was truly important . I also share about my chapter, how it is my journal entries which allow you as the reader to experience the year alongside me as Ijuggle home-life, family, parenting, home learning, business, financial worries, mental health and wellbeing and that I didn’t realise that I’d written so much last year, and how much it had helped me.


“But when my dad passed away, it really made me look at what I was doing, how I was living, what I wanted to do, how I wanted to live, and I realised that I was just drifting along, aimlessly. His death sent me to therapy, which up to that point, I thought was the biggest load of bunkum you could ever have. I just thought you just needed to pull your socks up and get on with whatever life threw at you and you know it was gonna throw stuff at you and tough bananas kind of thing. Get on with it. Bury whatever you need to bury, ignore the emotions and you know, carry on. Therapy completely transformed my life, showed me what was possible, showed me that it was possible to think good things about yourself. Not just rubbish things about yourself, not just rubbish things about the world either good things about the world was possible to. There was a total revelation to me and set me on the path to the work that I do.” 

“I discovered mindfulness, which sounded like the simplest thing that was ever created. I couldn’t understand why everyone was so excited about it. Because for me, I was like, well, surely that’s just what I do already. It’s just about awareness. I studied it out of pure curiosity, because I couldn’t understand why everyone was making such a big fuss about it. And it blew my mind. I genuinely felt like someone had found a second pair of eyelids and opened them. And I suddenly went, Oh, I get it now. Okay, this is what it’s all about. This is what life is, this is how you can be. And this is how you can see things.” 

“ I have a catchphrase that I use, where I say to people, for me, awareness is the key to life, the universe, and everything. The more aware you are of all of those things, the more you are aware of your thoughts, your feelings, your emotions, your behaviours, your responses, your reactions, the world around you, the people around you, your place in that world, the more aware you are of all of those things, the more in charge, you can be of all of those things, the more choices you give yourself, the more opportunities you open up for yourself, the more understanding you gain, the more growth you experience, just simply through that starting point of being more aware.”

‘We’ve given the word selfish, this huge negative connotation, but actually, if you look at it as a word, self ish, it just means of the self. In and of itself, it doesn’t have a negative connotation, we’ve given it one, we’ve said that being selfish is wrong. But actually, it’s absolutely right. And we should all be more self ish, we need to start with ourselves. When you put yourself first, when you look after your needs, your boundaries, your values, when you adhere to what you believe is important in life. And what you need as a human being to live, the life you want to live, then that spreads out from you to everybody around you. It gives you the energy and the headspace and the care and the love to take care of the other people around you. But when you start with the other people around you, what you do is drain your energy, drain your headspace drain your love, it has to start with you. That’s absolutely where it needs to start.”

“Meditation is an altered state of mind, where it’s possible to achieve a deep state of relaxation, where you wait for something to happen. Hypnosis is an altered state of mind, where it’s possible to achieve a deep state of relaxation, where you make something happen. And that’s the difference for me”. 


The Power of Now by Eckhart Tolle

Ask  & it is given by Esther and Jerry Hicks.


Jo is an inspirational speaker, advanced hypnotherapist, mindfulness practitioner and bestselling author of four books. In 2017 she won 2 national awards for her work in The Happiness Club and in 2020 she was Runner Up for North West Entrepreneur of the Year, the only female finalist.

The Happiness Club is a monthly membership club where members receive daily support from, and 24/7 access, to qualified therapists.

Jo also works with corporate organisations that are committed to supporting their employees. And she works within schools to teach students techniques to develop their own resilience and she has a team of Happiness Club Trainers that deliver her training to corporates and schools across the world.




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Emma Last is a qualified Mental Health and Wellbeing Trainer and Coach. She has co-written both the First Aid Industry body’s accredited First Aid for Mental Health and Wellbeing training for Adults in the workplace and those working with children.  

Emma also has over 20-years, experience in leading teams and developing strategies for change. She worked in Senior leadership for a large corporate until early 2018, when she came to a turning point in her career due to being on the brink of burnout and wanted to gain more of a balance in her life. She then rebooted her life and founded her company Progressive Minds. 

Emma also works with workplaces and schools on their Mental Health and Wellbeing strategies and provides training and coaching to support employees through challenging and changing times. Emma also works with individuals to help them to perform at their best by working on their mental fitness, which incorporates stress/burnout prevention and resilience and agility development through her Human Reboot Movement Coaching Programme. Her clients say they have become more mentally fit, happier and gain the results they want in their lives. 

Her Human Reboot podcast achieved number 22 in the Mental Health category in Mental Health Awareness week

Emma invites you to join her Healthy Boundaries Masterclass – Stop Burnout and Start Bossing it in business  on July 27th plus 5 days additional implementation support. You can find more details at


The views, thoughts and opinions expressed in this podcast belong solely to the host and guest speakers. Please conduct your own due diligence. 

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