Have you always wanted to do a retreat but…

  • You’d be away too long for your children or pets
  • You’d need to be invited
  • You are neurodiverse and they may not understand
  • There will be too many people
  • You’re too anxious – You won’t know anyone
  • It might be cliquey and you might not fit in
  • You’re anxious about sharing a room or a bed
  • There’s probably not enough bathrooms
  • It’s way out of your budget or you’ve not had the time to save for it


Do you want to…


  • Step into the future version of you and enhance your life 
  • Go on a Retreat feeling confident because they’re your friends already
  • Pay a payment each month so there’s no big outlay
  • Have follow-up accountability, coaching, and support so you get the best transformation. 
  • Be away from home for just 24 hours at a time
  • Have more time to work on you 
  • Dip your toes into different modalities, spirituality, and self development
  • Find a totally safe and inclusive space – 100% of our delegates say this
  • Let go of the past and trust in your intuition more
  • Celebrate your awesomeness
  • Transform and Thrive



3 x Day retreats a year

Whether you want to just come for the day or stay the night before at the retreat or at a local hotel, we accommodate all needs and want to make our Retreats as inclusive and accessible as possible. Each retreat has a different theme, including special guests and delves into our transformation model, where we aim to enhance your skills and talents, shift your beliefs, behaviours, and actions give you a deep understanding of how to impact your energy and overall mental, physical, emotional, and spiritual health. Our Retreats are planned well in advance and will be in November 2024 and for 2025 will be in March, June and September


Whether it’s to get to know our members initially or to follow up on your actions and take ways from the Retreats our group coaching embeds your learning and ensures you make the desired transformation.

Support From Me In The Group

Q and As once a month for any support, resources or questions you need answering so you can grow not just your well-being but your whole-being


Building connections and friendships is good for your overall mental health.  Be part of a safe community of like-minded and positive individuals where you can ask for support , build connections, friendships and collaborate. 


‘Yes highly recommend because it’s a very safe space to relax and emotionally connect with yourself. Emma used the day to the fullest to make sure we got what they needed. Very friendly, informative and definitely felt a transformation from the day’  AM


‘Yes definitely as Em you are gorgeous and the location is brilliant’ EG

‘Yes. It was a great way to try out some things that I’d never experienced before which helps in deciding if I want to invest more time/money on them. It was a lovely group and a fabulous location. It felt like a real treat but that I was learning things that would help me grow and help me with my business.’  SC




£88 + VAT

per month

The Retreat Membership 

3 x day retreats a year

Monthly zoom group coaching and accountability

Monthly Q & A

(accommodation is optional, reduced rates offered but not included)


£888 + VAT

Annual Fee

90901The Retreat Membership 

3 x day retreats a year 

Monthly zoom group coaching and accountability

Monthly Q & A

(accommodation is optional but not included)

2 MONTHS FREE compared to pay monthly


I was the career girl that so many people wanted to be. I felt numb and pulled in so many directions that I thought I might snap. I was completely exhausted and burnt out.

I was trying to be the best mum I could be, as well as the best career girl, and I just broke.

I hadn’t stepped back and paused – I didn’t think there was an alternative.

But there was. I had to reboot and I had to start putting myself back together.

I immersed myself in learning about Mental Health, wellbeing, mindset, and success and this is where my transformation started.

And this all lead to the creation of THE HUMAN REBOOT-  the transformation movement.

You could enjoy these benefits…

Transform how fulfilled, energised and calm you feel: With our simple sustainable transformation model, you not only will you learn what you can do right now, but you’ll be able to use and adapt it for the rest of your life.

Be confident and visible: By shifting your blocks and stretching your comfort zone, you will start to tackle the things that have held you back to build your confidence and enhance your life.

Live a happier more balanced life: By understanding the key elements to ‘energetics’, you will learn how to look after not just your wellbeing but your whole being 

Learn to love you: By getting to know strengths and talents and learning to appreciate all your facets, you will grow in authenticity, visibility and step into the future version of you.

Have sustainable success: By redefining what success means to you, rebooting your mind to an optimum level, you will find sustainable success in your home and work life.