Grow your mental fitness and gain the health and happiness that you truly deserve!

This self development membership is for goal focused people motivated by high performance, who are looking for a balance across their life. Who place a high value on their professional and self development.

It aims to enhance your wellbeing and sense of how you feel, think and act.

Keeping your brain and emotional health in tip top shape, so that you can perform at your best.

Do you want to…

Develop confidence

Push away the imposter and inner critics

? Overcome challenges

? Get ahead

? Learn more about yourself

? Keep learning at your own pace

?  Make clearer decisions for you personally and as a leader

?  Create connections with like minded people

?  Find ways to live a calm and happy lifestyle



Monthly Book and Pod Club

 Keeping learning is essential to growing mental fitness and reading and listening is also a great way to relax and have time for you. Having a book and podcast club where you all can contribute to each others learning gives a huge sense of reward to not only those learning but to those sharing.

Monthly Self Development Training

Focuses on the Emotional, Social, Security/Financial and Physical areas of Mental Fitness.

Example topics within the emotional pillar are self esteem, resilience, self acceptance and the ability to manage strong emotions. These are booked well in advance, so you can book them in your diary. This will all help you to find the stronger and more resilient you. They will be delivered by myself or guest experts.

Support From Me In The Group

 Whenever you need it.

The Online Community

Building connections is good for your mental fitness, by being part of a community of like-minded and positive individuals you are surrounding yourself with those that can support your mental fitness. A safe place to ask for support and to grow your wellbeing.

Monthly Audio or video

Watching videos or listening to podcasts or meditations connected to developing your mental fitness , regularly can help give you a break from the day to day of life and can give you great pause and reflection time and the head space to gain more clarity on your next steps. Example topics are wellbeing, pausing and reflecting , inner voice, imposter syndrome, self-care and being brave.

FREe ACCESS TO Connect and CO-work

Come and join our online co-working session on a Monday 9.45am-12.30pm where you will meet like minded people wanting to connect with others and get their stuff done.





per month

The Mental Fitness Membership 

Your own Log in to our online portal of training and book club recordings

Monthly zoom training

Access to our facebook community

PLUS  Access to Connect and co-work on a Monday




Annual Fee

The Mental Fitness Membership

Your own Log in to our online portal of training and book club recordings

Monthly zoom training

Access to our facebook community

 Access to Connect and co-work on a Monday 



You Save £43 You Pay for only 10 months worth

You could enjoy these benefits…


? Transform how happy and calm you feel: With simple sustainable tools for life, not only will you learn what you should be doing to transform how you feel right now, you’ll be able to use and adapt these tools for the rest of your life.

? Building confidence and feelings of success: By understanding your blocks and stretching your comfort zone, you will start to tackle the things that have held you back and gain the confidence to make tweaks and changes to your life for the better.

? Able to bounce back from setbacks: By knowing you have the tools in your kit bag and how to use them, plus the confidence to try new things, you will be able to develop more resilience.

? Live a happier more balanced life: By understanding the key elements to ‘wellbeing’, you will learn what you need to do for yourself to increase your mood and energy, and to truly look after yourself and your mind.

? Learn to love you: By getting to know your negative inner chatter, and learning how you can manage it, deal with your blocks, and how you can move forward. You will feel more positive about yourself.

? Increase your performance: By learning what you need to do to get your mind to perform at an optimum level, you’ll feel successful, fulfilled, and driven to achieve what you want at home and work in no time at all

my story…

I was the career girl.

I had the career path that so many people wanted, but I had got to a place of feeling numb.

I was pulled in so many directions I thought I might snap. I was completely exhausted, burnt out, and had feelings of losing my purpose.

I was trying to be the best mum I could be, as well as the best career girl, and I just broke.

It wasn’t like me to be beaten.

I had had many challenges in my life before, but over time I hadn’t taken a break and I hadn’t looked after myself.

I hadn’t stepped back and paused – I didn’t think there was an alternative.

But there was. I had to reboot and I had to start putting myself back together.

I immersed myself in Mental Health, wellbeing and mindset, and performance training, and put it into action.

That’s how I found me.

And this all lead to the creation of THE HUMAN REBOOT MOVEMENT’